5 Social Media Tips for your Small Business
It used to be that the big brands with money were the only ones able to use media effectively, but with the creation of social media, small businesses are able to compete for customers they never knew existed.
Social media is the great equaliser in business these days, flattening the playing field so that large corporates and small businesses can rub shoulders together. While the big boys can still outman most, small businesses can leverage the medium of Social Media with individualism, creativity, consistency, intimacy and honesty.
Above all else, small businesses have the ability and agility to move quicker, change products and services toward market trends faster, make decisions easier and build deeper relationships.
If your small business hasn’t begun to think about social media, try these 5 Social Media Tips for your Small Business to grow, enhance and build your business brand.
Social Media Tips for your Small Business
Eavesdrop and get a feel for the online culture before diving in. There is a certain way people behave on social channels, a positive code of conduct that should not be taken lightly. Familiarise yourself with the major players and follow the conversations. It is very important to understand and locate where prospective customers reside on social media.
Be Different
We are all different and so is your company, even if you sell the same products and services as your competitors. Small businesses waste too many opportunities by shouting the same dull message from their ‘social media soapbox’. Social media is busy and it’s difficult to stand out. Have fun, be different and show the human side of your business. People will respond with greater enthusiasm. It takes courage, but put yourself out there for praise and scrutiny. It’s worth it.
Expand your Network
Grow your network organically through conversations and engagement, instead of buying lists of garnering followers through third party sites. Do it yourself and get to know your connections. Establish a strategy and set goals. But remember, initially people won’t care about you or your company until you show you’re interested in their lives first.
Imagery and Video
Images grab and hold people’s attention quicker than text and you should use them in almost all of your social media posts. Have a camera or smartphone ready at all times. Take pictures of what is going on in your company and put a human face on your social media accounts. Put them on Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook, Google+ and Twitter and watch your interactions skyrocket. It’s as easy as ever to make videos. Experiment and publish your videos on YouTube. Try to be entertaining while sharing information too. Chances are the competition is not even contemplating video, which is a huge advantage for your brand.
Social Media Metrics
Track your links to see how many people actually clicked on them with a URL shortener like Bit.ly. Track how many shared your Facebook updates and retweeted your tweets, who viewed your LinkedIn profile and so forth. Most importantly get a Google Analytics account and review which social networks are driving traffic to your website and which pages they’re reading. By diving into this rich data you can distinguish which networks are good referrals and which need more attention or maybe abandoned altogether.
Of course, this is by no means an exhaustive list of the benefits that your Small Business can reap from embracing the power of Social Media, but it may just help your business stand out from your competitors!
Contact BlueFlameDesign if you like these Social Media Tips for your Small Business and would like assistance in designing, building and establishing a punchy and noticeable marketing strategy for your small business.